Genesis in Free Verse
Posted byThis is an ongoing series of poems centering around the book of Genesis. I began it several years ago, and still on occasion attempt to add a poem to it. I have so far made it up to Jacob's betrayal of Isaac and Esau, and am currently working on a poem about Rachel and Leah's marriage to Jacob. I have several more poems to write before the account is complete.
I began posting this series on my personal blog when I first started writing it, but they were lost in the Blogpocalypse of '07 (otherwise known as That Foolish Day I Accidentally Deleted My Blog). So I'll officially kick of this community by posting the first in this series: "Spoken." I consider it the strongest of the pieces, and ironically, it's not really in free verse, since it employs some structure. I welcome any comments or suggestions on the piece.
Command: it flames out into burning,
The formless void knows nothing
Like this brightness, light: separate
From the blackness.
Command: it splits the waters – a horizontal
Slash, expanse of air and vapor
Miles between. Water above, water beneath.
Command: the sea boils, bubbles, soil
Protrudes, sprouts green
Shoot from earth, trunks twist, gyrate, birth
Branches, blossoms, fruit.
Command: it explodes in furious gases, burning
Hot, shining forth fire – rocks
Orbit them, shining their light back
In stony, elliptical obeisance.
Command: it flutters feathers against the sky, the sea
Sparkles with scaly luminescence – they rest
On branch and under bank,
Singing and swimming.
Command: it bursts into a cacophony of
Cries, a chorus of bestial jubilance –
Beasts of field and forest frolic
On unspoiled meadows.
Hand: it reaches from heaven, scoops
The soil, spits, mixes –
It forms shoulders, head, then
Limbs, then, into nostrils:
Breathe Life.
Command: it proclaims exultant
Success, pride, ecstasy in the product
Of its voice – then, beaming,
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